How to Create Your LinkedIn Profile Summary Professionally?

Introduction on how to create your LinkedIn profile summary professionally on a blue background with an illustration.

Nowadays, everybody has a LinkedIn profile that accurately replicates their resume. But how can you differentiate yourself from others?

Also, you will notice that few people have a summary on their page. Therefore, one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd is to write and customize your summary.

Here are five tips to guide you in optimizing and improving your LinkedIn profile summary.

#1: What Should You Write in Your LinkedIn Profile Summary?

There are many ways to get the best out of your LinkedIn profile summary. You could do so by doing the following:

  • List keywords about your expertise, experience, skills, and education to maximize your LinkedIn ranking for search by recruiters
  • Write about yourself, explain your journey in the professional world and what makes you a valuable asset
  • Show your creativity! Attach a creative presentation of yourself and tell a story. In other words, show yourself from a different angle and leave a special impression

#2: How to Stand Out?

You already made the first step by deciding to write your summary! After that, What should you write to make your LinkedIn profile summary special?
I recommend you to explain here what drives you, what you stand for, what your mindset is, and your objectives but most of all, be genuine.

Furthermore, you can inspire yourself from the great examples that I have listed below, but also from your LinkedIn network. There are great LinkedIn profile summaries out there! Finally, you can stand out by a call to action at the end of your summary.

This call to action can be an invitation to connect, to help, or to share a story.

#3: Describe Your Mindset and Main Skills

The summary is an opportunity to use the keywords which will help you to improve your LinkedIn profile ranking. Also, you can list special skills and knowledge that are not traditional in your industry and demonstrate why this is an asset to you. Being able to show your mindset is one of the great advantages of the LinkedIn profile summary, and that could make a difference in the eyes of a potential recruiter!

#4: Attach A Photo, Presentation, or A Video

Did you know that you could attach documents to your summary? That’s maybe the best tip to stand out make your profile come alive with some examples of your work or maybe a presentation of you! You can attach many different types of documents:

  • Video
  • Images
  • Audio
  • Presentations
  • Slide Shows
  • And More!

#5: Talk About Your Personality and Personal Interests

One of the best ways to connect with a potential recruiter can be through personal interests. Actually, doing so will increase your likeability factor. Therefore, the summary is an excellent opportunity to let you share what you love doing, what you are doing outside of work, what you are currently reading, and maybe explain what is special about you and what your friend and family love in you.

Final Words – Importance of LinkedIn Summary

Your professional goals, such as landing a new job or advancing in your career, can be greatly aided by a strong LinkedIn profile summary. As a result, this little narrative may be used to draw in prospective employers, make connections with people in your business, contact recruiters, or even win over potential customers.

If you want to read more about the topic, I recommend you the post “7 LinkedIn Profile Summaries That We Love (And How to Boost Your Own)” from the official LinkedIn blog. Also, add a banner with a call to action or a description of your profile. You can check mine here.

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